Good bye Isabelle, Hello Kristin

Good bye Isabelle

Wow! Time flies when you're having fun! It is hard to believe that six weeks has already passed and we are saying good bye to Isabelle. It has been a real treat having Isabelle as our "surrogate" daughter for the summer, but I am sure she is glad to be back home again. And Kristin is happy to be back home, too.

Everyone at both ends of the exchange was kept very busy with their work, and all the activities. When the Y didn't have them all off touring this part of the province, we managed to fit in some adventures together, including some waterskiing and cave exploring. There is a photo album of a few of these things here.

And for Isabelle, I have put together a special map for you: You can see a map of all the places you have been. (Just let me know if I missed anything, and I will add it.)

Au revoir!

Map of Isabelles adventures in Ontario

The CLEMENTS Family | Barrie, Ontario CANADA