Barrie Fair Wrap Up

Kristin with prize winning cookies

For the second year, Kristin participated in the Barrie Fair with Jakob joining in this time around. Both entered chocolate chip cookies and a "summer fun" photograph in their respective categories.

The chocolate chip cookie category required three cookies. Interestingly, the judge took about a 3 mm wide sliver to do the taste test. "He should have at least tried a whole cookie," Kristin commented. However, it would then be likely that the last ones he tried would make him ill, no matter how good they were.

In the end, the judge determined that Kristin's cookies were the third best in her category, while Jakob's baking received a fourth-place ribbon in his age group. As for getting rid of the mounds of cookies left at home, Kristin was easily the number one hoover in that category.

In the photo contest, there was an unfortunate mix-up that saw Kristin's photo placed in the crowded adult category. This category was large, and filled with many professional looking photographs. Despite the stiff competition, she received a merit award. Later, the fair officials changed it to a fourth place ribbon for the correct category, where first to third had already been declared. Jakob's photo was awarded a fifth place ribbon.

Both chose cousin Rhys as their subject, which may have been cheating, since he is so darn cute.

Barrie Fair prizes

The CLEMENTS Family | Barrie, Ontario CANADA