Team OleOmi/Allinfun (Copper)

Team OleOmi/Allinfun (Copper)

Each side of this geocoin represents a different cacher or caching team. Team OleOmi is from "Extreme NE Texas" and is made up of two older-than-dirt ladies who have been friends for thirty years. No, seriously, I took that last bit right off their profile. Also, according to their profile, Omi enjoys collecting small unusual rocks which I can relate to. (I also enjoy big rocks that can't be collected, like the one shown below we found geocaching.) The other side of the geocoin is Allinfun of Southern California and that's all I know about that. A nifty geocoin, and I am glad I have two examples of it.

I traded directly with Team OleOmi for this antique copper version.

Size: 44 mm | Weight: 52.1 g


Jakob on glacial pebble
Glacial Pebble, Algonquin Park

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The CLEMENTS Family | Barrie, Ontario CANADA