Jakob Graduates High School

Jakob graduates high school

On Thursday June 27, 2013, Jakob finished his high school career in a balmy gymnasium at Barrie North Collegiate.

We thought we learned our lesson from the last high school graduation in the family, and arrived over half an hour earlier, but the seats were all gone. Except the bleachers, that is, which actually gave us a good view and a wall to lean on. Too bad heat rises, though!

With many hundreds of graduates and their family members packed into the BNC gymnasium, the heat quickly rose to oven-like levels. The three hour ceremony climaxed early for us, when our one-and-only son Jakob came up for his diploma. From there, we stuck it out and enjoyed watching the rest of the graduating crew receive their diplomas.

Jakob plans to take a year off to work and save money, while deciding what post-secondary education he wishes to pursue.

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The CLEMENTS Family | Barrie, Ontario CANADA