Some artists are having way too much fun

After coming and going to Hamilton for the past four years -- picking up, dropping off, moving in, moving out Kristin -- we have come to really love Hamtown. Or, as some call it, The Hammer. It really is a great place. Unfortunately, we waited until the very end of Kristin's tenure at McMaster to check out the Art Gallery of Hamilton. It's a great gallery: nice spaces, nice collection, not too small, not too big, staffed by typically-friendly Hamiltonians.
Plus, it has this thing: The Bruegel-Bosch Bus.
How about a closer look? Yeah, this thing is fantastic. Artist Kim Adams -- who we were familiar with from a previous installation at the ROM AGO in Toronto -- has been working on this installation since 1996. I am not sure how much work is happening now, but you could spend a serious amount of time exploring this art work. And I did.
This sculpture has a whole city on the back, and so much stuff happening that looking at the photographs after the fact reveal all sorts of "hey, I didn't see that!" moments. I spent a lot of time here, while Jennifer wandered off and looked at some other nearby pieces. Later, she mentioned something about me "taking fifty pictures" of the thing, but it turns out I only took forty. So, bit of an exaggeration there.
You can see all of my favourite photographs over in the photo gallery.