Bernd B's Route 208 (Chrome)

Bernd B's Route 208 (Chrome)

Bernd B is a cacher from northern Germany, and this is his personal geocoin. It commemorates Bundestrasse 208, a route that takes you approximately 130 km from Hamburg to Mecklenburg, just south of Wismar on the Baltic Sea. You could get there by taking a major highway, but Route 208 appears to go through the countryside, and everybody knows that's where the real action is!

Bernd B issued 350 geocoins in Polished Gun (aka Black Nickel?), 100 geocoins in Mat Chrome (this one), and 50 in Matt Gun.

The tracking number for this geocoin is hidden along the bottom edge.

Size: 50x30mm
Weight: 22.3g


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The CLEMENTS Family | Barrie, Ontario CANADA