Vogtland (Black Nickel)

Vogtland (Black Nickel)

The personal geocoin of El_Rolfo from Germany. Here is a description of Vogtland and the geocoin design from El_Rolfo:

The Vogtland

The Vogtland is a region located in the southeast part of Germany near the border to Czech republic with parts in Bohemia and in the German Federal States of Bavaria, Saxonia and Thuringia. The landscape name VogtlandĀ“ (in former times also Voigtland, terra advocatorum) based on the 11th up to 16th Century, where here were the Voegte of Weida, Gera and Plauen. Today the term Vogtland stands generally in linguistic usage frequently falsely as synonym for the Saxony part of the Vogtland, and for the district of Vogtland.

In the hills rise some rivers with deep valleys: The Weisse Elster, Zwickauer Mulde and Goeltzsch. For crossing these valleys for railway and traffic giant bridges were built. Famous are the Goeltzschtalbruecke, the largest brick bridge of the world and the "smaller sister", the Elstertalbruecke.

The geocoin design

This Coin represents approximately the borders of the district Vogtland in the outside form.

Though this is not the entire Vogtland, we gave our personal Coin the name "Vogtland Coin", in order to make our home for Geocacher more well-known.

Here are not so much geocaches like in other regions of Germany, however these are in a beautiful landscape at historical and cultural points.

On the front you can see the "V" for the Vogtland-District, the Goeltzschtalbruecke, and the round church of the city Klingenthal, famous for the music instrument manufacturing and winter sports.

The back shows our home coordinates and Geocachers on the trip through the hills of the Vogtland.

Size: 38 x 44 mm | Weight: 24.3 g


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